Why Use a Harness?

As a pet owner, you want what's best for your Pomsky. One important decision is whether to use a harness or a collar when walking your furry friend. While Pomskies are not prone to collapsing tracheas, it's still a good idea to use a harness as a preventative measure, especially if your Pomsky likes to pull on the leash.

What's a Collapsing Trachea?

A collapsing trachea is when the windpipe, or trachea, narrows or flattens, making it hard for your dog to breathe. While Pomskies are not commonly affected by this condition, using a collar can put pressure on their delicate necks, potentially increasing the risk of tracheal damage over time.

Why Choose a Harness?

  1. Prevents Neck Strain: Unlike collars, harnesses distribute the pressure from pulling across your Pomsky's chest and back, reducing strain on their neck and throat. This can help prevent injuries and discomfort, especially during walks or training sessions.

  2. Better Control: Pomskies have an instinct to pull, which can be challenging to manage with just a collar. Harnesses provide better control and support, making it easier for you to guide your Pomsky and teach them proper leash manners.

  3. Comfortable Fit: Many harnesses are adjustable and come in various sizes to ensure a comfortable and secure fit for your Pomsky. Look for padded harnesses with soft materials to prevent chafing and irritation.

  4. Preventative Measure: Using a harness as a preventative measure can give you peace of mind, knowing that you're taking proactive steps to protect your dog's health and well-being.

While Pomskies are not commonly affected by collapsing tracheas, using a harness instead of a collar is a smart choice for pet owners. Harnesses provide better control, reduce strain on your Pomsky's neck, and can serve as a preventative measure against potential injuries. By prioritizing your Pomsky's comfort and safety, you can enjoy worry-free walks and strengthen the bond between you and your furry companion.

Kim Baumann (KP Pomskies)

Kim started breeding Pomskies 4 years ago. With her background in education and adult training, it shows with the topics she tackles.


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